Introducing Stephen
Introducing Stephen
Stephen is a globally recognised published poet, content writer and now a published author with the introduction of his new novel 'Silkhysteria'. More about Stephen can be found on his platform website 'Rhyme Island' - please visit today for more discovery and enjoyment.
He's known to be a great story teller of life. Not all of his stories are true. For instance, like some in this book. His creativity outweighs certainty. It's here in Silkhysteria! Who knows the certainty he'll give? Is it the end of the story? Knowing Stephen, probably not on the last page.
It’s the 6th of June, 2050. Welcome to the Silkian Sci-Fi Fantasy Mothetic Adventures, namely, ‘SILKHYSTERIA’. In this story it has been discovered that Silkworms can be transformed into humans and the current population around the globe is growing – you’ll be amazed by Silkies’. Albeit that this is a fantasy story in essence, it does relate to our history, present time realities and possible known futures of planet earth inhabitants. New inventions come to life in communications, transportation, entertainments and living on another planet, in another galaxy. WeaverSpinner Enterprises operates out of China. It was a scientist who discovered this transformation of Silkworms and has been employed by the company to do more. Actions mainly take place in countries such as China, Korea, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Mongolia. Love stories? Of course, there are. People will read the lines of words, imagine between them and picture themselves on the fantasy journey, that is ‘Silkhysteria’.
It’s the 6th of June, 2050. Welcome to the Silkian Sci-Fi Fantasy Mothetic Adventures, namely, ‘SILKHYSTERIA’. In this story it has been discovered that Silkworms can be transformed into humans and the current population around the globe is growing – you’ll be amazed by Silkies’. Albeit that this is a fantasy story in essence, it does relate to our history, present time realities and possible known futures of planet earth inhabitants. New inventions come to life in communications, transportation, entertainments and living on another planet, in another galaxy. WeaverSpinner Enterprises operates out of China. It was a scientist who discovered this transformation of Silkworms and has been employed by the company to do more. Actions mainly take place in countries such as China, Korea, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Mongolia. Love stories? Of course, there are. People will read the lines of words, imagine between them and picture themselves on the fantasy journey, that is ‘Silkhysteria’.